420 Harvester Court, Wheeling, IL 60090
Phone: 847-215-8422 Fax: 847-215-7449
Copyright © 2021 10x MicroStructures All rights reserved.
With a 16,000 sq-ft processing area 10x MicroStructures is an innovative and dynamic research, processing and manufacturing company for your solutions to electroforms, master fabrication and micro/nano-structured products. We deliver solutions from concept to product, utilizing over 30+ years of experience in the field. Founded in 2002 and then incorporated as an LLC in 2012.



Sharklet Technologies
Electroform Tooling


Functional Surfaces
10x Services/ Capabilities
- Optical engineering
- Nano and Micro-Structure Manufacturing
- Nano and Micro-Structured Tooling
- Diamond Turning
- Electroforming
- Step and Repeat Tiling
- Embossing (Roll-to-Roll)
- Injection Molding
- Lamination
- Die Cutting